Max Baucus: America’s Luckiest Man

No, the Senior senator from Montana did not get an invite into the Playboy mansion, or a night on the town with the Pussycat Dolls. Rather, he has the good fortune to be running virtually unopposed along with 4 other Democratic Senators (Biden, Harkin, Pryor, and Reed). Why? Because the Republican Party in the state of Montana has completely lost it, selecting 85 year old Bob Kelleher to be its nominee.

Senate Guru on Tuesday posted a detailed analysis of why Bob Kelleher won the Republican primary on June 3. I just thought I pull a few of my favorite quotes. Obviously, the Republican Party does not find him representative of their views, referring to Kelleher’s proposal to change the U.S style of government into a parliamentary system, plus other issues:

No. Those positions don’t reflect the platform of the Montana Republican Party or the national Republican Party,” he said. “Mr. Kelleher is going to have to go out and make his case to Republicans and all Montana.

But I find this even more amusing. Max Baucus obviously has reasons to be arrogant this cycle, but even this takes the cake. He’s not planning to debate with his opponent at all because:

For one thing, said Barrett Kaiser, a Baucus spokesman, there will be no debates.

“Max plans on talking to Montanans across the state, and they’ll have ample opportunity to ask him questions,” he said. “But we don’t want to subject him to what will become a circus.”

A circus? I think it’s a little late to avoid that scenario, buddy.

One last point, an encouraging quote from Chuck Feney at the comments section:

All this is the legacy of Marc Racicot. Now that we know the damage that he did to this State with the Montana Power – Goldman Sachs swindle, the Republican party in Montana will go the way of the WHIGS.*** Welcome to “Blue Montana” – Denny, you’re next!

So I have two questions to ask before I sign off:

1.) Could this get any worse for the GOP?

2.) Is Montana turning blue?

3 thoughts on “Max Baucus: America’s Luckiest Man”

  1. who has run for some statewide office every election for about 40 years now, usually getting less than 5% of the vote.  His views are closer to that of a Green Party member than of the Republican Party.  Kelleher has also stated a desire to nationalize all large corporations.  Wait, I take that back, he’s not a green he’s a communist.

    Check out the Wikipedia entry about Kelleher:

    Republican Candidate

    Bob Kelleher, an attorney, liberal activist, and frequent candidate (including being a Green Party candidate)

    Liberal activist.  And he won the repub nomination.  Hilarious.

  2. Montana’s Democratic trend is originating mostly from statewide candidates that fit the political profile of the state, such as Brian Schweitzer and Jon Tester. Will that trend continue into 2012? (I’m excluding 2010 since the only statewide race that year would be Denny Rehberg’s House seat)

    My idea scenario would be this:

    2010 Rehberg loses House seat, or hangs on by teeth of skin

    2012: Schweitzer retires due to term limits, and either John        Morrison or Monica Lindeen runs for Governor to replace him.

    Jon Tester would face Rehberg, but I think Tester would be favored to win.

    2014: Baucus retires, and Schweitzer runs in the open Senate seat.

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